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SPF specific

SPF specific

A short introduction, for those already familiar with some Forth-system and ANS'94 standard.

Last update: $Date: 2009/06/03 12:35:40 $

[Russian] [English]


Installed SPF4. And what's next?

The first and the most important - placement of your working files. There is a subdir devel in the SPF directory where all the the developers' code is located. Create a subdir there, for example ~john. Now you can refer to your files in short form, ~john/prog/myprog.f. It simplifies mutual access to contributed code. The general convention is to place libraries in the subdirectory named lib, and example programs in prog. Alternatively you can place your code wherever you want and use relative paths when including. Or better yet add your working directory to the search path for INCLUDED.

The devel directory contains the contributed code of other SP-Forth'ers, the short (very short) list with descriptions is available: SPF_DEVEL, or you can scan the directory yourself.

There is also a fancy GUI frontend for SPF on Windows. It is located in samples/win/spfwc. Just run the compile.bat script and use the resulting binary spf4wc.exe in the root installation folder.

How to run and include forth code?

  • Running the file from the command line is fairly simple, just start SPF with the file path as a command line parameter,

    spf4.exe ~john/prog/myprog.f

    Note, that include path can be either absolute or relative to the devel directory.

  • In SPF console (interpretation mode) just type in the name of the file:

  • For compatibility reasons, it is better to include it in a standard way:

    S" ~john/prog/myprog.f" INCLUDED
  • But the recommended approach is to use REQUIRE word.


SPF has a non-standard word REQUIRE ("word" "file" -- ), where word is some word defined in the library file. If word is present in the context vocabulary, REQUIRE will consider the library already loaded. This prevents from loading the same libraries again. At contrary, if REQUIRE fails to find word - the library is included as always (via INCLUDED). For example:

REQUIRE CreateSocket ~ac/lib/win/winsock/sockets.f
REQUIRE ForEach-Word ~pinka/lib/words.f
REQUIRE ENUM ~nn/lib/enum.f

NB: Always select the most unique word from the included library as the first argument for REQUIRE.

INCLUDED search path

S" file.f" INCLUDED will search following locations in specified order

  • the short name file.f (i.e. in the current directory)
  • PATH_TO_SPF.EXE/devel/file.f (thus allowing to use other spf developers' code),
  • PATH_TO_SPF.EXE/file.f (thus including standard libraries and other files from SPF distribution).

If you need to specify more paths (for example to use some forth code shared between several forth systems, or whatever - any code that is not in the spf files subtree and cannot be addressed relatively from your current file), then you can either redefine FIND-FULLNAME (which is VECT) or use external lib - ~ygrek/spf/included.f. All you need is to write in spf4.ini

with: my_path/
S" my path with spaces/" with

and all the files will be searched in my_path in addition to the earlier described algorithm (my_path can be either absolute or relative spf4.exe).


SPF has modules, which hide the internal implementation and leave visible the words of the outer interface.

MODULE: john-lib
\ inner words
\ interface words, compiled to the outer vocabulary, thus seen from the external world
\ inner words again
\ you get the idea :)

You can write MODULE: john-lib several times - all the consequent code will compile to the existing module, not overwriting it. Actually, the word defined by MODULE: is a simple vocabulary.

Case sensitivity

SPF is case-sensitive, i.e. the words CHAR, Char and char are different words. Switching to case-insensitive mode is as simple as including file lib/ext/caseins.f.

Switching case-insensitivity on and off is possible with CASE-INS variable :

REQUIRE CASE-INS lib/ext/caseins.f
2 dup * .
CASE-INS OFF \ make SPF case sensitive as before
2 DUP * .
CASE-INS ON  \ enable case insensitivity
2 dup * .


You can input hexadecimal numbers at any time independently of the current BASE in the following manner:


The number is treated as double (i.e. represented with 2 cells on the stack) if it has dot at the end :

9999999999. 1. D+ D.

Float numbers

Float numbers are recognized in form [+|-][dddd][.][dddd]e[+|-][dddd] after including lib/include/float2.f. So the necessary attribute of the float number is the exponent symbol - e.

Float wordset is implemented as defined by ANS-94 :

REQUIRE F. lib/include/float2.f
0.1e 0.2e F+ F.
FPI a F!
a F@ F.

The words D>F ( D: d -- F: f ) and F>D ( F: f -- D: d ) transfer double integer values from data to float stack and reverse. The fractional part of float number is truncated in this case. Similar words for single values are available :

10 DS>F 3 DS>F F+ F>DS .

Float stack is implemented using the hardware x87 stack, hence the inherited features (circular stack with maximum capacity of 8 elements).

Structures, records

Records are created with the -- word (the same as FIELD). Example:

CHAR -- flag
CELL -- field
10 CELLS -- arr

The words flag, field and arr will add their offset to the address on the stack when executed. And the struct constant contains the size of the whole record. Consider:

struct ALLOCATE THROW VALUE s \ requested memory from heap for the single struct instance
1 s flag C!  10 s field ! \ set the struct fields' values
s arr 10 CELLS DUMP \ output the contents of the array in struct
s FREE THROW \ free memory

Structures can be inherited:

CELL -- x
CELL -- y
CONSTANT point \ point owns two fields

CELL -- radius
CONSTANT circle \ circle owns: x, y, radius

CELL -- w
CELL -- h
CONSTANT rect \ rect owns: x, y, w, h

Where is FORGET?

No FORGET. But we have MARKER ( "name" -- ) (use lib/include/core-ext.f).

Where is NOT?

The word NOT (logical negation) is not implemented. It can be added with ~profit/lib/logic.f extension. Companion words >= (more or equal) and <= (less or equal) are also defined there.

Where DEFER?

Deferred words in SPF are created with VECT ( "word" -- ) (as 'VECTor'). TO ( xt "word" -- ) assigns action to the deferred word.

If you really have to use DEFER and IS, you can include lib/include/defer.f.

The deferred xt cell can be placed in thread USER-space with USER-VECT ( "word" -- ). Note, the deferred word created with USER-VECT will be initialized with zero, as all other USER allocated values (USER, USER-VALUE). Zero is not a valid xt and it will trigger an exception at runtime if executed. So it is solely your responsibility to initialize deferred word (for example using AT-THREAD-STARTING).

How to clear the stack with one word?

Write lalala. Or bububu. Error will occur and the stack will be cleared. In fact, the stack is emptied with ABORT, which is called when the interpreter cant find the word. And the proper way to clear stack is: S0 @ SP!


Comments to the end of line are \. There are also bracket-comments, which are multiline. So:

\ comment till the eol
( comment
and here too )

The word \EOF comments out everything till the end of file. It is useful to separate the library code from testing or examples of usage at the end of the same file.

word1 word2
comment till eof

Additionally SPF/Linux understands #! comment. Make your forth source file executable and put the following line at the top

#! absolute_path_to_spf_binary

and you will be able to execute this file without specifying spf path at the command line. Shell interpeter will run spf and pass the location of source file as command-line parameter. SPF interpreter itself will treat the first line as a comment.


Mainly SPF uses strings with counter on the stack - i.e. two values (addr u). The string literals are defined with S", which performs slightly different depending on the current state:

  • During interpretation state the string is located in the input parse buffer (TIB), and so, it is valid only in this line of input.

  • During compilation state the string is compiled directly into the word code area.

NB: In order to simplify interaction with Windows API the additional zero byte is compiled directly after the symbols of the string (it is not represented in counter).

S" defines a so called static string, which is located in the buffer, or in the code area. If you need dynamic string, the one that uses memory on the heap, use ~ac/lib/str5.f. Example of usage:

REQUIRE STR@ ~ac/lib/str5.f
"" VALUE r \ create an empty string
" SP-Forth " VALUE m
" - the best!" VALUE w
m r S+  w r S+
> SP-Forth - the best!

Additionally to such handy concatenation, library provides substitution:

" 2+2={2 2 +}" STYPE
> 2+2=4

Read full description and more examples in the library itself.

Note, SPF kernel adopts the following naming convention for word prefix S- and suffix -ED.

S- means that the word takes two values denoting a string from the stack (e.g. we have SFIND and standard FIND, SLITERAL and LITERAL, and so on).

-ED in the words CREATED, INCLUDED, REQUIRED, ALIGNED means that the arguments are taken from the stack, contrary to the original words taking arguments from the input stream (or global variable as in ALIGN and ALIGNED). Consider equivalent examples CREATE some and S" some" CREATED.


Threads are created with TASK: ( xt "name" -- ) and started with START ( u task -- tid ), xt is an executable token to get control at the thread start with one parameter on the stack - u. The returned value tid can be used to stop the thread from outside with STOP ( tid -- ). SUSPEND ( tid -- ) and RESUME ( tid -- ) will pause the requested thread, and resume its execution (this words should be executed from the context of another thread than the one being paused or resumed)

PAUSE ( ms -- ) will pause the current thread for the given time (in milliseconds).

REQUIRE { lib/ext/locals.f

:NONAME { u \ -- }
   u .
   u 10 * 100 + PAUSE
; TASK: thread

: go
  10 0 DO I thread START LOOP
  2000 PAUSE
  ( tid1 tid2 ... tid10 )


Variables defined with VARIABLE, VALUE etc will share their values among all threads. If you need a thread-local variable - define it with USER ("name" -- ) or USER-VALUE ( "name" -- ). USER-variables are zero-initialized at thread start.


One creates vocabularies with standard word VOCABULARY ( "name" -- ) or WORDLIST ( -- wid ). To be precise, WORDLIST is a more general object - just a list of words. The word TEMP-WORDLIST ( -- wid ) will create a temporary wordlist, which must be freed with FREE-WORDLIST. The contents of the temporary wordlist won't be present in the SAVEd image. The word {{ ( "name" -- ) will set name as a context vocabulary, and }} will fall back. Consider:

: + * ;
{{ my 2 3 + . }}

will print 6, not 5.

Local and temporary variables

Not available in the kernel, but included.

REQUIRE { lib/ext/locals.f

\ sample usage
: test { a b | c d }  \ a b get their values from the stack, c and d are zeroes
  a TO c
  b TO d
  c . d . ;
1 2 test
>1 2
> Ok

See full description and more examples in the library lib/ext/locals.f.

lib/ext/locals.f introduces syntax incompatible with ANS-94. ANS-compatible local variables are implemented in ~af/lib/locals-ans.f:

REQUIRE LOCALS| ~af/lib/locals-ans.f

: plus  LOCALS| a b |
a b + TO a
a b * ;
2 3 plus .
> Ok

Producing executable modules

SAVE ( a u -- ) will save the whole system, including all the wordlists (except temporary ones!) to the executable file, with the path specified as a u. Entry point is set with VALUE <MAIN> for the console mode and VARIABLE MAINX for GUI. The mode itself is defined with either ?CONSOLE or ?GUI. SPF-INIT? controls interpretation of the command-line and spf4.ini auto-including:

' run MAINX !
S" gui.exe" SAVE  


' run TO <MAIN>
S" console.exe" SAVE

Using external DLLs

FIXME: rewrite, more examples

Import functions with stdcall calling convention (e.g. Win32 API) as follows :

WINAPI: SevenZip 7-zip32.dll

Functions with cdecl calling convention (e.g. from msvcrt.dll) or with variable number of arguments :

REQUIRE CAPI: ~af/lib/c/capi.f
2 CAPI: strstr msvcrt.dll

If you want to import automatically all DLL functions as forth words, use (for stdcall) :

REQUIRE UseDLL ~nn/lib/usedll.f
UseDLL "DLL name"


REQUIRE DLL ~ac/lib/ns/dll-xt.f
DLL NEW: "DLL name" 

For cdecl :

REQUIRE USES_C ~af/lib/c/capi-func.f
USES_C "DLL name"


REQUIRE SO ~ac/lib/ns/so-xt.f
SO NEW: "DLL name"


Low-level words DLOPEN DLSYM symbol-addr symbol-call

Usage. By default libc libdl and libpthread are loaded. Load other shared objects with:

USE so-file-name

Invoking dynamic function

(( H-STDOUT S" hello world!" )) write DROP

Nota bene, parameters are passed from left to right, DROP removes return value after the call. If there are some parameters on the stack already:

H-STDOUT 1 <( S" hello world!" )) write DROP

i.e. the number before <( shows how much parameters are already on the stack ("out of brackets").

Core implementation of (( )) doesn't allow nested invocations. Use ~ygrek/lib/linux/ffi.f to overcome this limitation.

~ac/lib/ns/so-xt.f works in spf/linux (identically to Windows version!).

Debugging facilities

STARTLOG starts logging all console output (TYPE, ., etc) to the spf.log file in the current directory. ENDLOG, respectively, stops such behaviour.

More in devel


SPF uses the subroutine threaded code, i.e. the compiled code looks like the chains of CALL <word-cfa-address>. This code can be ran directly, but by default it is processed with the optimizer to gain a speedup at runtime. It performs inlining and peephole-optimization. More on ForthWiki (in russian): "Optimizing compiler".

Tuning optimizer (default values are ok in the vast majority of cases, most probably you dont need these options!)

  • DIS-OPT disables macrooptimization
  • SET-OPT enables macrooptimization (it is on by default)
  • 0 TO MM_SIZE disables inlining (remember that inlining of DO LOOP and some other words is performed by the spf kernel itself and thus is not affected with this option)
  • TRUE TO ?C-JMP enables recursion tail-call optimization (experimental, disabled by default, may not work in some cases)
  • FALSE TO VECT-INLINE? disables direct compilation of vector calls

NB: If your program starts behaving in a strange way, try to temporarily turn off the optimizer using DIS-OPT, probably (very unlikely!) you have encountered a bug in optimizer. If so - locate the piece of code where the bug occurs and file a bugreport please.

You can examine results of the word compilation as a native code with disassembler:

REQUIRE SEE lib/ext/disasm.f
SEE word-in-interest

or get the line-by-line listing (forth code with the corresponding asm code)

REQUIRE INCLUDED_L ~mak/listing2.f
S" file, with the code in interest"  INCLUDED_L
\ the listing will be placed in the file near to the file included

Optimization effect: conditionals

Consider the following usual piece of code 10 > IF ... THEN -- push literal on the stack, compare two top stack elements, store the result back on the stack and then conditionally jump using the top of the stack as a flag. Optimizer will turn this into just the pair of machine commands:



cmp eax, # A
jle @@1

The same applies for other typical code sequences : 2DUP = IF ... THEN and similar:



cmp eax, 0 [ebp]
jne @@1

Logical operations are also optimized (0= is used as logical negation here, thus 0< 0= means "more or equal to zero"):



or eax, eax
jl @@1

Optimization effect: words created with CREATE, VARIABLE, VALUE, USER

When compiling variables or constants, instead of simply calling a DOES-action of the word being compiled, the specialized procedure (which knows the internal representation of such words) inlines the corresponding code. E.g.:


10 VALUE vl



mov     -4 [ebp] , eax
mov     eax , # A
lea     ebp , -4 [ebp}

mov     -4 [ebp] , eax
mov     eax , 572410  ( vl+5  )
lea     ebp , -4 [ebp]

mov     -4 [ebp] , eax
mov     eax , 57243C  ( vr+5  )
lea     ebp , -4 [ebp]

ANS support

Maximum ANS conformity is achieved by including lib/include/ansi.f. Additional words are defined, some of them dummies, etc.

Also, a non-standard optimization of FILE wordset is fixed - OPEN-FILE, CREATE-FILE and other implicitly treat the input string as zero-ended (ignoring the length parameter). lib/include/ansi-file.f will add an extra zero byte in such case, after copying the file name to the dynamic buffer, which remains allocated for future use. You don't really need such behaviour when defining file names with string literal S" or string libraries ~ac/lib/str*.f, as they ensure there is an extra zero byte. Though it can be helpful for using non-SPF libraries.


CALLBACK: ( "name" xt bytes -- ) takes the xt of word to decorate as a callback and the number of bytes which will be used for the stack parameters during invocation. You solely own the responsibility for matching calling conventions (cdecl,stdcall). Cdecl calling convention (default for C/C++) assumes that you leave all input parameters intact (e.g. duplicate before using). Stdcall expects xt to eat all paramaters from the stack. Also, bear in mind that callback should always return one additional CELL -- result value, even if the code calling this callback declares it as void (it is the feature of CALLBACK:). Example :

Callback is declared as follows (C++) :

typedef void (*TestCallback)(char*,int);

Forth code defines callback

:NONAME ( n str -- )
  2DUP \ duplicate all params (cause cdecl)
  ASCIIZ> CR TYPE \ string
  CR . \ number
  0 \ return value
; 2 CELLS \ 2 parameters - 8 bytes
CALLBACK: Test \ new word Test is a callback


This word is called from the context vocabulary during the interpretation cycle when the word being parsed cannot be found. NOTFOUND ( a u -- ) should throw an exception if it cant process the passed word. Else INTERPRET considers the word valid and continues parsing. Default NOTFOUND recognizes numbers and provides access to the nested vocabularies.

A good form to redefine NOTFOUND is to call its old xt first, and proceed with your own code only if previous one fails with exception. Example:

: MY? ( a u -- ? ) S" !!" SEARCH >R 2DROP R> ;
: DO-MY ( a u -- ) ." My NOTFOUND: " TYPE CR ;

: NOTFOUND ( a u -- )
    2R@ MY? IF 2R@ DO-MY ELSE -2003 THROW THEN


: NOTFOUND ( a u -- )
  ( a u )

~pinka/samples/2006/core/trans/nf-ext.f simplifies adding custom xt to the NOTFOUND chain.

Scattered colons

Read the full description of this technique: "Scattering a Colon Definition" in English. Briefly: new actions can be added to the word after its compilation. The word ... prepares space for the future extending, ..: and ;.. link the code as an extension.

: INIT ... orig ; 
\ INIT called here will execute orig
..: INIT extend1 ;.. 
\ here - extend1 and orig will be executed sequentially
..: INIT extend2 ;.. 
\ equal to : INIT extend1 extend2 orig ;
\ and so forth

You can achieve the same effect with vectors, but this way looks better.

SPF uses scattered colons to define AT-THREAD-STARTING and AT-PROCESS-STARTING, which are called when the process and the thread are started, respectively. For example, lib/include/float2.f adds initialization of the inner variables in AT-THREAD-STARTING.

Search scope

As expected the search scope is generally controlled by CONTEXT, but sometimes there is a need to explicitely specify vocabulary for searching particular word. In such cases special syntax Wordlist::word is used. Example:

MODULE: someWords

ALSO someWords \ adding someWords vocabulary to context
S" foo" TYPE \ nothing happens - TYPE from someWords was used
S" bar" FORTH::TYPE \ explicit usage of "ordinary" TYPE from the main vocabulary

When performing actions on words via ' (get xt by name), POSTPONE (compile), TO (secondary word action) the search scope is defined as follows:

Wordlist::' word
Wordlist::POSTPONE word

because such words do parse the input stream on their own and word is not handled by INTERPRET and corresponding NOTFOUND.


Exceptions handling in SPF is performed according to ANS-94 with THROW and CATCH.

THROW ( n -- ) raises an exception with numeric code n (except n is zero), i.e. execution of the current and all parent words is aborted until the exception is caught.

CATCH ( i*x xt -- i*x n | 0 ) executes xt and catches all exceptions raised within xt. Result is zero in case there were no exceptions, else exception code is returned (that same n that was passed as argument to THROW which raised this exception, or the system error code) and stack depth is set equal to the one before xt was executed (but the data on the stack may be corrupted if xt was writing stack at this depth).

All exceptions can be divided in two groups - system (memory access vioaltion, division by zero, etc) and native (THROW word with non-zero argument). All exceptions are caught identically, but system ones do print additional exception report.

Many words return ior (input/output result code), e.g. file operations (CREATE-FILE, OPEN-FILE, READ-FILE, WRITE-FILE, CLOSE-FILE etc) and memory operations (ALLOCATE, FREE, RESIZE). This ior is equal to error code (in case there was one) and can be THROWn directly.

: file S" rewdsadwerdfstrg" R/O OPEN-FILE THROW ; \ try to open non-existing file
: divide 
    ['] / CATCH  \ catch exception from division
    IF ." Dont divide by " . DROP  \ there was an exception - two numbers on the stack
    ELSE ." Result : " . \ result of successful division
    THEN CR ; 
: test 
   10 2 divide \ everything ok
   1 0 divide  \ system exception - SPF report and our message from the divide word
   ['] file CATCH IF ." Caught exception" CR THEN \ catch native exception
   \ there is no need to always throw ior, it can be analyzed in place
   S" dsderewfdstrtr" R/O OPEN-FILE IF ." bad file" ELSE ." Good file" THEN CR ;

All error codes, passed to THROW and left on stack after CATCH, are interpreted according to spf.err file, from the lib directory. Text messages printed in report are taken from this file.